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Hec-Ras is an excellent commonly-used public domain backwater computation program written by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Hec-Ras requires considerably more data input than PC-Convey.
You can quickly and easily combine your PC-Convey data files in a form which can be imported into the Hec-Ras program. This enables you to use PC-Convey's powerful editing features to quickly design a suitable cross-section and then use Hec-Ras to examine the effects of adding a bridge, culvert, weir or encroachment. PC-Convey can also be used to calculate the starting water surface level for Hec-Ras runs. It is also sometimes useful to compare the results obtained from 2 different programs.
There are two methods by which HEC-RAS models can be created from PC-Convey cross-sections. In method 1 each PC-Convey cross-section represents an entire reach of the waterway, with a number of
identical cross-sections being appended each time. This could be used to create a Constructed Waterway model. Method 2 involves adding a single cross-section at a time to create the waterway model.
From V13.0 this process has been streamlined even further and new buttons have been added to the Control Panel (as well the options being retained in the File drop-down menu):
This concludes the guided tour of PC-Convey.