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The CWD uses the following terms:
Features of the Constructed Waterway Designer:
From V12.10B it is possible to set default batter slopes (and from V13.0 Manning's n values) that are used when a new CWD XS is commenced.
Because in reality the LFC can have a flatter grade than the HFC (due to sinuosity of the LFC within the HFC) the CWD can use one grade for the LFC and another for the HFC, within the same cross-section.
The CWD uses the LFC grade to determine the dimensions required for the LFC to carry its required discharge (e.g. a 3 month or 1 year discharge) and then uses the HFC grade to determine the dimensions required for the HFC to carry its discharge (normally a discharge having an Annual Exceedance Probability of 1%).
The shear stresses on the cross-section can be checked from the Constructed Waterways Designer, and if they are too high, new batter slopes, bench widths etc. can be tried.
The total width of the cross-section can be checked so that you know whether the current design fits in the available space.
The freeboard can be varied (normally either 600mm or 300mm).
Each Segment of the cross-section can have its own Manning's n value.